Today we woke up to lightning! When we all met for breakfast there was no room for laying on the beach. It had rained all night and by morning the tide was so high no one could even see the sand beneath all of the water. Despite our morning misfortune, we still managed to come together for yet another breakfast. For others breakfast was not a luxury because of their previous night's excursion! They shut off their alarms and opted to get a few more z's; that's always exciting! For the rest of the early birds there was plenty of laundry to be done and so a quick walk to the laundromat was taken by many. For only P120-150 (approx. $3-4) you could have your laundry washed, dried, and folded. Who could miss out on an opportunity like that?! It's every college students dream!
When all the morning tasks were complete (around 9:30AM) we hopped on a few buses, and motorcycle driven tricycles and headed for the local compost facility. While there we were eaten alive by a swarm of killer flies....just kidding...but there were quite a few. We began our trip learning about the compost site in which imported gummy worms (real worms of course) lived and fed on the organic waste. We moved to the glass shredder station. There we were able to see the different uses for glass bottles. For example, there was a large Christmas tree and a number of walls all made of glass bottles. When the glass bottles were shredded they could also be used to make bricks for the pathways throughout the compost center. They also were used to make pots for plants. We also saw how 60 kilo blocks of plastic were compacted for shipment. Currently, the Philippines does not have the money or resources to properly dispose of this kind of waste and so shipment is necessary.

After the science lesson, we went to an engineering lecture...well not really. When we arrived at the water plant there was a miscommunication about who would be visiting their site. Instead of an extremely intelligent group of engineers they got us! A group of undecided ex-engineering students. They were so happy to have us! It rained the entire tour of the water plant but overall it was a pretty good experience. We were able to climb the water towers, and despite the awful smells, we were able to see how polluted water becomes purified and ready to enter back into the ocean. We were warned, that even though the water was technically clean, we could still not drink it. At the end of our tour we were offered more Filipino hospitality and were whisked back to our resort on their magic carpets. We were just grateful we didn't have to walk back in the rain.

By this time in the day we were all hungry and ready to get back to the beach. Luckily for us the beach was back and we were able to swim and enjoy another lunch with our hosts. Generally lunch time is accompanied by free time and so we are left to our own devices. Personally I spent my time watching movies and laying in bed. I always enjoy watching old movies I haven't seen in ages. The classic "Mummy Returns" was playing and I swear it was like watching a new movie...Good times in Boracay :)
For our next event, we ventured off into a school filled with children in need of school supplies and a good time. We were happy to oblige them! We began our event by inviting up unsuspecting victims to sing. They were so adorable! At first we had no takers but like American children, a little bribe goes a long way. They were running to the stage charging us 20 pesos per song; those kids are ready for school! After a few games of folding newspaper, aggressive musical broken chairs, and pop that balloon as you walk with it between your knees, it was time to give away the goods. The kids were so excited! It didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped it would and at the end it came down to who could be in line the quickest. It was sad to see that we could not provide all of the children, who had come out, with school supplies but to see the look on the children's faces as they threw their backpacks on their backs, was priceless. But of course, there are always those few who walk away with their heads down and you wish you had just one more smile to give.

After a long day of volunteer work and relaxation we are back at the resort, and again, how we choose to spend our time is up to us. There is so much to do on the island and everything is so centrally located. There were a few repeat offenders of the $8, 1 hour, full body massages! Boracay is like heaven on Earth!